Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sammy the adventurer! And her yarns!

Went to Sam's this evening for some belated birthday cake. Sam is Kat's friend from Sydney and she is up here teaching. She was telling us about how she has to teach sex ed. All i could think about while she was talking was how awkward that would be. Talking to 13 year olds about the reproductive system, STI's and sex in general. Today's topic was Nocturnal Excretion i.e. wet dreams. Don't hold back NT Education Department. I can only remember Harold the toy giraffe and the Life Education Van in school. And I can't remember being taught about sex in any way. What a tough gig! 
The other reason we went over was to check out her new pad. And what a pad it is. Old Darwin style home encased in this Amazonian like yard. No windows in the Dining/ Lounge, just fly screen. You know what though, the house was amazingly cool. No sun on the roof would aide it greatly. Anyway I loved it. 
Alcohol intake for today is at a bare minimum- 1 glass of sauv blanc and 1 beer. 
Ashamedly I am listening to the Bee Gee's. x


  1. hi babe!! Im trying to overcome my slackness and get back to blogging! Bean still bleeding... ultrasound next week (17weeks) so maybe know if girl bean or boy bean or alive bean at that :( miss you soso much, cant wait to stalk you:)

  2. I hope everything goes well. Stalk away xoxo
